Pricing & Schedule


Monthly tuition is based on how often you come each week and how long the class is. Below is a table of how much classes are per month. 

Class Pricing

30 minute: $40/month

45 minute: $55/month

60 minute: $70/month

75 minute: $75/month

90 minute: $80/month


25% of the original price for the second class and 30% off for each additional class.

If your athlete wishes to come more than 2 times/week, please inquire pricing information by calling or visiting the front office.

Registration Fee

We have an annual registration fee of $25 for the first child and $20 for each additional child.

Sibling Discount: 

10% for second athlete and 15% for additional athletes


Our full calendar of classes with times and opening is available below. We have changed the names of our classes. Visit our classes page for more detailed information on which class will best fit your athlete!

The “View our Class Openings” link below will open a new page and show you an entire list of our classes and which ones have openings in them.